Newsroom Policies

Our corrections policy

Our agenda is the truth. If we learn that we have made a mistake in our reporting, our policy is to correct the error swiftly and amend a note to the story that a correction has been made, with details of the correction. If you believe there is anything not factually correct with a story, please contact us immediately at

Our code of ethics

We are nothing without the trust of our readers. We are guided by a strong moral compass in our reporting and publishing that leads us to cover stories without fear or favor; we do not misrepresent ourselves while reporting; we do not pay for interviews; we do not plagiarize; we do not fabricate facts or sources; we do not accept personal gifts, loans, perks or trips in the context of our reporting; we are guided by principles of truth and fairness, and in all our dealings with the public strive to be abundantly transparent.

Our donor policies

We believe strongly in avoiding any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest. Our journalism is conceived and executed by professional journalists and is not influenced by any monied interests. Potential donors are named publicly and acknowledge that they have no influence over the direction of our reporting. If we learn that a major donor will no longer support us specifically because of a story we have written, we will let the public know. We reserve the right to decline potential donations if the amount and/or source of the gift could give an undue impression of outside control.

Our advertising and sponsorship policies

We accept advertisements and sponsorhips from quality local businesses. You can find more information about those opportunities at this page. As with our donor policies, we reserve the right to decline sponsorships that are in poor taste.