Food After Being Served, Roanoke Restaurants Settle Tax Bills Recent crackdowns on Roanoke restaurateurs have resulted in an influx of owed taxes to the city, plea deals and dropped criminal charges.
City Hall Roanoke To Defend Against 2 Lawsuits Alleging Toxic Workplace Under Ex-Leaders The lawsuits could shed further light on a drama that gripped Roanoke city hall last year, when claims of a toxic workplace preceded the city manager’s resignation.
Politics Appointee to Roanoke City Council To Determine Fate of Single-Family Zoning Reforms Battle lines are being drawn over who will fill the remaining two years of Roanoke Mayor Joe Cobb’s vacant City Council seat.
City Hall Roanoke Aims To Seize, Sell Downtown Parking Garage Plagued By Tax, Code Issues The parking garage beside the Amtrak platform has been closed since April, when city officials deemed the structure unsafe.
City Hall 'Council Isn't Immune': Property Values Are Rising. Here's How Much Elected Leaders' Homes Went Up. Roanoke property owners are seeing an average 8 percent increase in their real estate tax bills this year, a historically high but downward-trending assessment.
Outdoors Roanoke Valley Greenway Coordinator Resigns, Saying He Felt Stymied by Governments “I’ve gotten kind of frustrated by the level of locality cooperation,” Frank Maguire, who's been in the role since 2021, said.
Housing Affordable Housing Complex Proposed For Rescue Mission Land in Southeast Roanoke Developers propose building a 155-unit apartment complex at the entry of Southeast Roanoke from downtown.
Letter Letter From the Editor: We're Hiring a Managing Editor To Advance Our Journalism This journalist will be a critical member of our team, overseeing and reporting journalism that informs the community and holds the powerful accountable.
City Hall Roanoke Botched Funding for After-School Contractor, Lost Out on Grant Money, Audit Finds The city failed to budget enough money for youth programs run by The Foundry, leading to discord and lost revenue, an audit found.
Letter Letter From the Editor: We're Hiring a Segregation Reporter Thanks to Report For America Report For America has selected The Rambler as a 2025 host newsroom to bring a segregation reporter to Roanoke.
Arts Roanoke's Black History Museum Plans To Leave Downtown for Melrose Plaza Center in the Square was not planning on renewing the Harrison museum’s same lease, which is up in 2026.
Development New Life Proposed for Walker Foundry Land in Apartments, Restaurant, Pickleball Courts Apartment complex, restaurant and pickleball courts could forge a new community in Roanoke’s Norwich neighborhood.
City Hall For City Manager, Roanoke Hires Northern Virginia Official with Background in Housing Valmarie Turner, Fairfax’s deputy city manager, becomes Roanoke’s next city manager next month, replacing Bob Cowell.
Policing Roanoke Gun Violence Rates Fall to Pre-Pandemic Levels, One Year into Police Chief's Tenure “I found a department that was hungry for leadership,” Police Chief Scott Booth said about arriving in Roanoke a year ago.
Politics As Cobb Is Elected Mayor, Roanoke City Council Is Poised To Appoint a New Member David Bowers has until Monday to request a recount, though an analysis of recounts nationwide shows it's unlikely to change the outcome.
Investigation 'Unfounded': Virginia Museum of Transportation Says Probe Finds Nonprofit Accounted for State Grant Money Some board members who resigned in June said they remain skeptical that the museum is in good hands.
Politics Cobb Expands Lead To 69 Votes Over Bowers As Roanoke Mayor's Race Nears Finish Line The city’s electoral board must certify the final results by Friday, but a recount may be likely.
Politics Roanoke Mayor's Race Too Close To Call As Bowers Holds 19-Vote Lead Over Cobb It could take another week before Roanoke residents learn who their next mayor is.